hx Connect

Connect hx Renew to industry leading systems and data providers

Integrate and enrich your hx Renew deployment with solutions from hx Connect, our growing ecosystem of technology partners

Our technology partner ecosystem

Customers using hx Renew benefit from a network of connected technologies that deliver innovative solutions, facilitate seamless integration of data, enable AI-driven pricing, and drive transformation across the value chain.



Cytora is the configurable platform that enables commercial insurers to process risks at greater efficiency and accuracy. Cytora digitises every incoming risk, augments them with additional data sources, evaluates them against multiple rules, including appetite and priority rules, and routes them to downstream systems for automated or manual underwriting.



Reinsurance buying teams deal with clunky systems, confusing email trails and scattered data files that take a large amount of their time away from real, value-add work. Supercede directly addresses these challenges by allowing you to gain full control over your reinsurance placements and transform a time-consuming and error-prone process into a streamlined, reliable and efficient operation



Akur8 automates technical and commercial premium modelling for non-life insurance pricing: time spent modelling is reduced by 10x, the models’ predictive power is increased by 10% and loss ratio improvement potential is boosted by 2-4% without compromising on audibility or control



A cutting-edge cloud-based blockchain platform designed for insurance operations from quotation to portfolio management



Backend financial and regulatory reporting systems



HazardHub offers comprehensive US property risk data to better enable risk-based pricing in Renew



Addresscloud provides software services to locate and describe addresses with rooftop level accuracy using high quality data from their market-leading partners.

Security Scorecard

Security Scorecard

Security Scorecard instantly identifies vulnerabilities, active exploits, and advanced cyber threats to help assess, protect and strengthen your security posture – from an outside-in perspective, as well as assisting insurers in quantifying the potential cyber risk to the insured



Quantemplate automates re/insurance data preparation and validation for bordereaux and exposure management. Quantemplate’s machine learning SaaS platform converts fragmented insurance data into insights you can trust, allowing you to underwrite with confidence

Sanctions Search

Sanctions Search

Providing insurers with the ability to demonstrate that client screening regulations are being met for compliance purposes

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